Remnant Technology Group is one of the most elite and sought after technology consulting firms in the US today for Healthcare Practices and Small/Medium Businesses. With over 25 years experience supporting over 500 practices/companies, no other consulting firm comes close to the practical “Hands-On” expertise they have with as many Practice Management Software and Hardware solutions! Remnanat Technology Group is one of the only firms that will customize a solution for you because they understand that each physician/provider has different goals and visions for their practice. They have a unique ability to analyze every facet of your practice and view the Big Picture – ie: Financial, Operations, Security, Insurance/Billing, Technology, Compliance, Human Resources, etc. Even though they have provided premier and revenue increasing services for many major hospitals/corporations, they specialize in the SMB practices and businesses including Dental, Oral Surgery, Optometry, Ophthalmology, Cardiology, Allergy/Asthma, ENT, Dermatology, Pediatric, Orthodontist, Pharmacy, Veterinarian, Attorneys, Construction, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Restaurants and numerous other industries.